External degree

About us

The easiest way of obtaining a degree in Sri Lanka is entering a National university based on your GCE A/L examination results. If you unable to enter State university as an internal student, still you can obtain a degree by registering as an external student. Such degrees are known as External Degrees. There are many external degrees offered by different national universities in Sri Lanka. The advantage of going for such a degree is you can do studies while engaging in employment or other educational course. After registering in the particular university, you should attend classes or you can study at home.

Our philosophy provides the students with a complete guide to get through their Degree with flying colours. We are dedicated to provide you the best. We believe that it is our responsibility to provide you a set of standard, understandable and reliable set of academic notes for your external degree. Most of the students who have registered for external degrees in Sri Lanka are occupied and it seems it is costly and uncomfortable for them to attend extra classes to prepare for the examinations.
We have a well qualified and experienced group of University lecturers, who prepare the notes for each external degree program as a panel.

We are here to provide you with best student guide for your external degree for a affordable price. You can order your set of notes for either of the following and the price depends on the type of your order,

  • For one semester
  • For one year
  • For three years 

External degree